02 June 2010

mason jars

I have used mason jars for a long time. Mostly we use them for their intended purpose... canning foods. I gave salsa away in little mason jars to my clients around the holidays. We made muscadine jelly last fall. If we make a big batch of pasta sauce we store some in the big jars. So apart from pickles, coffee blends, homemade cookie/brownie mix, and special drinks, what else can you use these sweet little jars for? I'll tell you!

Sabrina's house she has Q-tips and cotton balls on her vanity in them. Simple and chic.

We marinated and stored bocconcini in them.

In Readymade this month, and at Sarah's baby/beer/bbq fest, they were used as tea lights. I made a centerpiece for our kitchen table with tea lights and cute little bud vases:

David uses them as ink wells for the last bit of ink from the cartridges he turns into lamps. Then he paints with that ink.

I store beads in them.

We also make our own salad dressing in the tiny ones. A single serving to get to work spill-free and then shake it up before it goes over those yummy greens.

What do you use mason jars for?

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

Mason jars are my FAVE. I use them in my bathroom to hold bath salts, cotton swabs, and cotton pads. I put candles in the big ones for the porch as hurricane lamps. For crafting, I store buttons and ribbons in them. When I'm juicing, I always pour my concoctions into a mason jar to see how much I'm drinking.
