29 January 2011


I am so PUMPED. Today, between work & class obligations, I am going to hunt for some supplies. I am going to make some dessert-holding decor for a pal's wedding! Her wedding is next month, so I need to hop to it.

I also got HANDMADE WEDDINGS in the mail yesterday. So many fabulous ideas. I am getting inspired for home crafts, not just wedding crafts.

Tonight, Mary and I are going to try our hand at baking a fancy cake from scratch, and making fondant! We'll see how that goes and we might just have ourselves an affordable option for my October 2011 nuptials.

David and I pow-wowed about our Save the Dates. We're opting for electronic, rather than tangible snail mail (we'll save that for the invitations). This will take a little bit more work on our part, but the cost will be very low, and I think it will be really fun.

Lots of ideas and plans... now I just need to find the time to put it all in action!

04 January 2011

happy birthday...

to Lowell & Louise! David and I started our little crafting business in January of 2010. One year later, we are still going strong! David has new lamp designs. I have new jewelry. The website is not looking so hot, but we'll fix that this year. I plan on paying more attention to the esty shop to keep it looking good & active. And I plan on promoting the business a little bit more as well. I am excited to read a couple of new books about starting a freelance/crafting business from scratch. I know I will learn something new, so we'll see how I do for year two of L&L!


Welcome to 2011! I started this blog in July 2008. My main goal for keeping this log was to make sure that I stayed creative at home. I was still working an office job at the time, and was so drained that my personal life and personal goals fell by the wayside. I am happy to report that the blog worked!! I have continued to be creative at home with crafts, cooking, photography, beading, and sewing. I have had different day jobs since then, which require a lot of brain power and creativity, but still not tangible crafts & artwork.

For 2011, my goal is to continue this blog, and to continue to push myself with creative projects at home.
Here are a few things I intend to tackle this year:

*bread-baking (I am attempting a sourdough starter, which will be ready in approximately 12 days)
*painting the upstairs craft room
*making curtains for the big kitchen window
*focus on etsy, and keeping the shop looking good
*take Lowell & Louise to the next level
*make the guest room a guest room again
*have a yard sale

Do you have any creative goals for this new year?