29 November 2009

thank you

Thank you everyone who went to Acme to view my first ever public art display!

These are just a few things that were displayed over the past two months. Thanks Acme, and thank you friends and family!

21 November 2009

jewelry EXPLOSION!

I forgot how much I enjoy making jewelry. I used to make tons of earrings. I was inspired by my friend Shelly recently... she had on a cute necklace that she made. I decided to copy it. Here is my gold version:

I especially love the vintage-looking clasp.

After making one necklace, and getting overwhelmed in the bead section of the craft store, I decided to make some more jewelry!

I ended up making 4 pairs of earrings and 3 necklaces in one day. I am excited now to dig up some old jewelry creations and add beading back into my crafting repertoire.

01 November 2009

sweet sleep

The last time I had a bed was.... well, I think that was in college in an apartment that was already furnished. So it has been a while. Since then I have had a box spring and mattress on the floor of the 3 or 4 places I have lived since then. Now that I own a house, it is time to get a real bed. I had an idea. So I told my Dad about it. I found some silver colored furniture legs at Ikea, and Dad made the rest! Made of Maple and Ash (headboard), and stained with a cherry color. The frame houses the box spring perfectly. I LOVE IT!!

Before (gross):

After (pretty!):

Next, I will paint the bedroom and the adjoining vanity and bathroom. Check back for before and afters of that project later next month.