30 May 2009


Memorial Day Weekend project # 2: a new painting

Finally... new work on canvas. I used some scraps from the window project.

25 May 2009


Memorial Day Weekend project #1: stools
I got these stools from Uncle Randy a few years ago. I also got some pretty blue fabric from Grandmom that I've been itching to use...



23 May 2009

Memorial Day Weekend Crafting Extravaganza!

In lieu of battling traffic during this long weekend, I've decided to knock out a few crafting projects that have been on my mind.

1. repainting and recovering some old stool seats
2. make a new painting
3. make a verb tote for Sarah

These should keep me busy. Stay tuned for pictures of the results!

03 May 2009

may flowers

we took a walk at Duke Gardens this morning...