23 May 2012


In a RARE turn of events, this was one project where DIY was not because I wanted to save money, but because I could not find something I liked.  Sure, I could buy the $10 p.o.s curtain rods, but they were ugly.  Even the fancy ones were ugly.
So I got some pretty drawer pulls at Anthropologie to use for the finials.  I got wooden dowels at the hardware store and spray-painted them silver (same paint from the chair leg project).  I took the pulls apart to switch the pieces around slightly, and David trimmed the dowels and put holes in the ends for me.  Attach some brackets to the wall and voila!  I am very happy that the curtains are finally up.

We are having a "hooray we are done with the floor" party on Sunday, so the house will be clean and I can get some good "after" pictures of the kitchen and living rooms.

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