23 October 2010

surprise inside

I have always been attracted to the purses and handbags that are plain/neutral on the outside, but have a fun patterned fabric on the inside. Its like a visual treat each time you open the bag.

Continuing with all the sewing I've been doing, I decided to make some zippy pouches. Neutral and kind of generic on the outside... then BAM! Pretty and colorful fabric on the inside! I used scraps from the apron project, and finds from the Scrap Exchange.


Megan Jordan said...

i love them, cathy! what kind of sewing machine do you use?

I am considering purchasing one to try to make this: http://www.amybutlerdesign.com/pdfs/Tree_Skirt.pdf

but, ok, it looks a little bit advanced. Any chance you do commissioned work? :o)

i'm cathy. said...

That tree skirt is SO cute! In fact, I am using an Amy Butler design for a few Christmas gifts this year. Her patterns and instructions are pretty easy to follow.

I have a very basic Kenmore sewing machine... My grandmother got it for our family about 10-12 years ago, and I took it from my parents house a few years back.

I'd be happy to come by and help you make it if you want to do a crafting day or something! A sewing machine is definitely handy to have around.

I want to try this next:

Megan Jordan said...

dude. that's awesome. and a great excuse to own a rotary cutter and mat...two tools i did not know existed but may now have to own.

i will let you know if i commandeer mom's old Singer to tackle the tree skirt :o) will probably need help for sure!