16 July 2011

time flies

Where does the time go?? I wanted to craft over the annual "don't drive and just stay at home over Memorial day weekend" weekend. We had to catch up on some things after our big vacation, and then David took a trip to Atlanta and I took a trip to Charleston. And it has been go go go since then. I have been working on a few wedding craft projects, but you'll have to wait until after the big day to see those :-)

I missed my chance to have a good stay at home weekend to make a dress or curtains or pillows. So the sewing is put on hold for the time being while I address invitations, plan music, assemble favors, and plan this big ol' shindig.

Mary and Hannah organized a wedding shower for us. It was FABULOUS. A picnic with tons of food, fun games like bocce and a newlywed quiz, and the cutest potted plants as favors for the guests. David and I were overwhelmed by the joy and support from our friends... and all the generous and thoughtful gifts. We are getting excited about the big day, and can't wait to see all of our friends and relatives!

In the meantime, my list of crafting projects and ideas will keep getting longer.

I would like to make this:
Project instructions here

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